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Dominion (Second Edition) (2016)

$54.99 CAD
"You are a monarch, like your parents before you, a ruler of a small pleasant kingdom of rivers and evergreens. Unlike your parents, however, you have hopes and dreams! You...

Libertalia: Winds of Galecrest (2022)

$69.99 CAD
In the world of Galecrest, sky pirates set sail on the winds in search of adventure, treasure, and glory. As an admiral, you command a vast and varied crew...but so...

Race for the Galaxy (2007)

$44.99 CAD
2018 UPDATE: The second edition of the game is improved for color-blindness and includes 5 revised cards from the original version and 6 New Worlds promo homeworlds. The promo homeworlds and first...

Rick and Morty: Close Rick-Counters of the Rick Kind Deck-Building Game (2017)

$39.99 CAD
Based on the episode "Close Rick-Counters of the Rick Kind," in Rick and Morty: Close Rick-Counters of the Rick Kind Deck-Building Game players play as and against different versions of Rick by...

Twirk (2015)

$14.99 CAD
Twirk is a game of spelling quickly for 2-7 players who race to make five letter words from dice and cards. Each round, players race to make words using cards that...

Allegory (2021)

$39.99 CAD
An allegory tells a captivating story while hiding a deeper, meaningful moral underneath. Compete with others as renowned authors, each scribing a trilogy of tales: Nature, Energy, and Spirit. Master...

Winter Kingdom (2020)

$69.99 CAD
Winter Kingdom features seven, double-sided hexagonal map tiles that are randomly arranged into the playing area. After that, three scoring conditions, one economy card (showing how players earn money), and one...

CloudAge (2020)

$69.99 CAD
CloudAge is a strategy game from Alexander Pfister and Arno Steinwender. The award-winning authors have created a dark and dystopian world for 1 to 4 players. Fifteen years ago, the mysterious...

Via Magica (2020)

$29.99 CAD
In Via Magica, a new version of Rise of Augustus, you vie with your fellow players to complete "objective" cards for special powers and ultimately for victory points. Each card has 2-6...

Small Star Empires (2016) 2nd ED

$34.99 CAD $39.99 CAD
Small Star Empires is a quick area control game for 2-4 players. In this game, players colonize the galaxy using their ships, which they move on a modular board containing hexagonal...

Hexemonia (2014)

$49.99 CAD
The civilization of ancient Greece reached its height between the 8th and 6th Centuries BC. During this era, mighty city-states competed in every way: art, architecture, religion, commerce, and even...

Catan: Traders & Barbarians (2007)

$74.99 CAD
Traders & Barbarians is distributed as the third major expansion for The Settlers of Catan, although it is actually a compilation of small expansions and variants. (It is independent of the Seafarers and Cities &...