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The Dwarves (2012)
$49.00 USD $53.00 USD
Based on the first novel of the Die Zwerge tetralogy [Eng. The Dwarves] by author Markus Heitz, the goal of the cooperative game Die Zwerge is to keep evil from flooding Girdlegard. During set-up,...
Tzolk'in: The Mayan Calendar (2012)
$53.00 USD
Tzolkin: The Mayan Calendar presents a new game mechanism: dynamic worker placement. Players representing different Mayan tribes place their workers on giant connected gears, and as the gears rotate they take...
Rumble in the Dungeon (2012)
$15.00 USD
–"The dead king's tomb. Hmm, spooky and mysterious, but the dead king was rich. There must be a big treasure there."–"Yeah, right... And traps, too. And monsters. I'm not sure...
Terra Mystica (2012)
$75.00 USD
In the land of Terra Mystica dwell 14 different peoples in seven landscapes, and each group is bound to its own home environment, so to develop and grow, they must...