Dr Who Eleventh Doctor Sourcebook

$39.99 CAD
Celebrating the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who, this Sourcebook explores the Eleventh Doctor's adventures on Earth and beyond. With detailed information on all the allies, enemies, aliens and gadgets that he encounters, as well as examining each of his adventures, the book contains a wealth of material for the Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and Space RPG, and is also a fact-packed resource for fans of the show! When Amelia Pond was seven-years...
Celebrating the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who, this Sourcebook explores the Eleventh Doctor's adventures on Earth and beyond. With detailed information on all the allies, enemies, aliens and gadgets that he encounters, as well as examining each of his adventures, the book contains a wealth of material for the Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and Space RPG, and is also a fact-packed resource for fans of the show! When Amelia Pond was seven-years...